
The easiest way to RENEW your membership or to JOIN as a new member is to register for the annual conference at the link below:
TEAM TASBO We are Better Together, November 19-22, 2024

If you cannot attend the conference, but want to receive all the TASBO information about other professional development and networking opportunities use the link below:
TASBO Membership ONLY

The membership year is from November 1 of one year to October 31 of the succeeding year. Dues are currently $50.00.  Contact Maryanne Durski if you have questions regarding membership.

Tennessee Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) is the premier school business professional organization in Tennessee.  Our annual conference in November is the largest gathering of public-school business officials in the state.  During the conference, members can take part in high quality professional development and network with decision makers such as CFOs, payroll accountants, accounts payable staff, and business officials in the areas of human resources, operations, transportation, food service, etc. Other networking opportunities are available with our business partners from across the state and nation who choose to exhibit and/or sponsor.

Another benefit of TASBO membership comes from our affiliation with the Southeastern Association of School Business Officials (SASBO).  TASBO members are also members of SASBO and eligible for certification programs and training opportunities.

Information from the TASBO CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS about membership:

Article III Membership

Section 1. TYPES. There shall be two types of membership: (1) voting, and (2) non-voting.

a. Voting Membership shall be as follows:

1. ACTIVE MEMBER. An active member shall be one who is (1) employed by a public, private, separate, or parochial school, school district, college or university, or a state employee; (2) performing school business functions in an administrative or supervisory capacity in the areas listed in (1); or (3) serving as a college or university faculty member of school business management or educational administration.
2. SCHOOL MEMBER. The governing board, board of education, etc., may subscribe for a group membership, with the understanding that a representative who is eligible for membership in TASBO shall be designated to exercise the rights and privileges of a school member. It is further noted that the dues are for only one (1) membership, which includes TASBO publications and annual meeting privileges to one individual during a specific membership year. Membership dues may be paid by school districts, colleges, universities or other governmental units.

b. Non-Voting Memberships are as follows:
1. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATE MEMBER. An educational associate member shall be a school board member or an individual employed in the profession who does not qualify for voting membership in TASBO.
2. STUDENT MEMBER. A student member shall be a college or university student enrolled in business management or educational administration classes.
3. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE MEMBER. A business associate member shall be an individual, commercially interested in the field of school business management, or other business related professionals.
4. EMERITUS MEMBER. An emeritus member shall be an individual who has: (1) retired; or (2) departed the field of school business management for another vocation after a minimum TASBO membership of fifteen years.
5. HONORARY MEMBER. An honorary member shall be one who has distinguished himself/herself in public or professional service and who is elected by the Board. Charter members shall be honorary members. Upon retirement, Past Presidents shall be honorary members.

Section 2. DUES. The membership year will be from November 1 of one year to October 31 of the succeeding year. Memberships shall be subject to the annual payment of dues as set forth by the Board of Directors, except Emeritus Members and Honorary Members. Emeritus Members and Honorary Members shall pay no dues.